JavaScript: From Zero To Dangerous
Presentation for the Front End Meetup - June 2019
On What I Know About Willpower
Hint: it's not much...
On Historical Extrapolations
When past wisdom gets in the way of future exploration
On The Freedom of Being Wrong
When the pursuit of correctness becomes a burden
On Waking Up Angry
When life gives you lemons for breakfast.
On Robert Reich's Saving Capitalism
A depressing look at how to fix everything about the "free" market.
On William Gibson's Neuromancer
The origins of cyberpunk
Absolute Paths for React Components
Because I got real tired at maintaining relative imports across my app
Switching to rbenv
Quick tutorial on migrating from `rvm`
MUTech Talk: Introduction To Basics of JavaScript Fundamentals 101
A presentation attempting to cover a lot of JavaScript in a little time
TechLancaster: Atomic Design
A presentation on the usefulness of design systems
The Most Human of Timescales
Thoughts on measuring time inspired by The Stranger by Camus
Setting Up a Personal Git Server on a VPS
Time to backup all my git repos that I don't feel like hosting on GitHub
Using an Arch VirtualBox as a Local Dev Server
Trying to figure out a portable agnostic virtual development machine
Terminal Color with Vim and Iterm2
How to make plain text sexy again
A Post That Has Everything
A page with dummy content to demo the use of a pattern library
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